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Preparatory course for admission to the degree dip

3 Dec 2013

The course aims to prepare exams admission into the Diplomatic career that began with diplomatic status in the competitive examinations passed and pass the required course back to the Diplomatic School

The diplomatic career is the career that begins with diplomatic status in the competitive examinations passed and pass the required course back to the Diplomatic School . This contest is held by the respective publication in the Official Gazette , which gives details of all the requirements and test development .

Students of International Affairs CIS have the complete agenda of the opposition made ​​by university professors specialized in different matèries.A addition , students prepare throughout the year in various exercises of the opposition in the hands of diplomats active .

The requirements to be presented are : to have Spanish nationality , be an adult , not being disabled and being a graduate , graduate architect , engineer or equivalent.

The tests cover four selected years , all eliminatory , which currently consist , according to the announcement of 2013, in the following tests: a test of the general program questions the call , an exercise text commentary and interviews , language tests , proving an adequate knowledge of English and French ( knowledge of other languages ​​being optional ) and an oral exercise four agenda items generally attached to the call.

The CIS International Affairs was founded in 1987 as an initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain, despite the appreciation of the under-representation of Catalan Diplomatic Corps . For this purpose , the CIS International Affairs took the initiative and developed the Preparation Course for access to the Diplomatic Corps .

After more than 25 years , we can say that the CIS International Affairs has achieved the goal you set at the time of its foundation. The CIS International Affairs has formed a large number of diplomats , and that is, that not only Catalan . Therefore, the initial idea of promoting the presence of Catalan in the Diplomatic Corps , has been extended in order to successfully prepare anyone with the intention of access.

All those graduates interested in joining the Diplomatic Corps .

Spanish diplomat .

    Administration , mainly the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation , both based in Madrid and outside our borders ; Embassies , Permanent Representations , Delegations to Meetings and Consulates .
At other institutions , in general, with other government sectoral interests abroad.

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