The CEI International Affairs students have all the Examination materials prepared by university professors specialized in the different subjects.
The elaboration and constant updating of the epigraphs of the syllabus constitutes one of the main assets of the Preparation to Join the Diplomatic Corps.
The BOE 2020 call divides the 207 topics in the following four groups:
Public International Law (21 topics)
Private International Law (10 topics)
Civil, Commercial and Consular Law (10 temas)
Political systems (6 topics)
Administrative Law (11 topics)
The European Union (29 topics)
General Economics and Public Sector Economics (9 topics)
International Economics (12 topics)
Spanish Economics (17 topics)
Development Cooperation (8 topics)
Our students have online access through the Moodle application to the developed topics of the official topics of the examination. In addition, they have the possibility of making queries about the topics to university professors who have developed it.
With the collaboration of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation.