Yesterday Wednesday, October 14 the Center for International Studies (CIS International Affairs) Foundation organized together with the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies, the fourth edition of the Conference on Security and Defense of Barcelona where the main strands of action known as the Islamic State analyzed.
Preceded by a magnificent introductory presentation by Professor Jordi Quero UPF which allowed the audience understand that it is ISIS, then the hand of prestigious specialists were addressed the main axes on which the action of this group is based; from the military capabilities described accurately by Colonel Emilio Sanchez de Rojas, through the difficulty of specifying what and to what extent the sources of financing raised by Jesús A. Nuñez, Co-Director of the Institute of Studies on Conflicts and Humanitarian Action , to finish with an excellent presentation by political scientist specializing in the Middle East Garroum Gabriel, that helped understand how sophisticated communication network created from a deft treatment of social networks while the message, it was concluded that the religion / violence / social services triangle has managed to interweave in significant territorial portions of Iraq works and Syria. the impact of the Russian intervention and the US role in this complex board where nothing seems it really is also analyzed.