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International Classroom: Meeting with the Ambassador of Spain in New Delhi

30 Mar 2016


India is a parliamentary republic that follows a federal court model, with a President that is elected indirectly. Regional stability is vital for the country, however, although negotiations have increased in recent years, it has still not been possible to reach agreements that stabilize the area.

The country has a high proportion of arable land (53.1% of its territory according to data from the World Bank, 2011), but presents a significant problem of water provision, which tends to be aggravated by pollution and high population growth.

The Hon. Mr. Gustavo Manuel de Aristegui and San Román has been a Spanish ambassador in New Delhi since 2012. He holds a degree in law and a diploma [HT1] in juridical sciences. Since he began his diplomatic career in 1989, he has been bound and dedicated to the diplomatic representation of Spain in the Middle East

Ambassador Arístegui will explain the trade relations that exist between Spain and India, creating a session of debate and reflection on the economic situation of this country and of diplomatic and economic relations that exist with Spain and how they develop.


Meeting with the ambassador

Date: 06/10/2014

Aimed at: Journalists and businesspersons

Hours: from 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM

Place: Av. Vallvidrera, 25. Barcelona.

Contact: Sra. Àngels Vara

Price: Confirmation pending

We ask that you please confirm via phone 93 205 45 16 or email


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