The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, is a jihadist organisation unrelated to Al Qaeda that has gained control of areas of Iraqi, Syrian and Libyan territory by subduing the population through acts of terror, genocide and, at times, the provision of public services to Sunnis. It draws on various sources of financing and recruits followers around the world using sophisticated communication techniques and social media, making it one of the main global terrorism threats.
In addition to explanations related to the lack of future opportunities and feelings of rootlessness and disaffection amongst young people, whether they are the children of Muslims in the west or not, the jihadists also manage to recruit well-educated people with money, who are seduced by their message and come to integrate atrocity into their way of life.
Consequently, the problem has cross-cutting, multidimensional causes that must be taken into consideration when tackling the challenge of security and defence against it.
This conference will focus on three general areas of the group’s action: military, economic and communication-related.
DIRECTED BY:Dr Sonia Güell, Associate Professor of International Public Law, Pompeu Fabra University
Date: 14 October 2015
Price: 5 euros*
Place: CEI International Affairs headquarters, Av. Vallvidrera, 25, 08017 Barcelona
*The activity is free for CEI partners and students, UB students and the unemployed. Cash payments should be made on the day of the event at the CEI secretary’s office.
Registration deadline: 12 October 2015
Registration required. To register, indicate your name, surname and Spanish ID (DNI or NIE) number by e-mail at: info@ceibcn.com.