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1 Mar 2016

This work is twofold: to determine the meaning and scope of the concept, in particular, its nature and implications legal sustainable development, and analyze some of the legal principles that already exist in international law that can play a more direct to achieve that objective.


This work is twofold: to determine the meaning and scope of the concept, in particular, its nature and implications legal sustainable development, and analyze some of the legal principles that already exist in international law that can contribute more directly to achieve that objective.

The central ideas that are defended are: firstly, that sustainable development is both a political objective, a legal concept that may have a plurality of demonstrations and a frame methodology for understanding and transforming the world that provides a terminology, an integrative and inclusive approach, principles and rules of substantive, procedural tools hermeneutical nature and resources. And on the other hand, it argues that the principle of international law that more directly contribute to the objective of sustainable development and that best summarizes its essence is the principle of integration of economic, social and environmental aspects.

The increasingly urgent, urgent challenge is to operationalize the theoretical, legal and conceptual framework of sustainable development.


General Information

Author: Angel J. Rodrigo

Publisher: Marcial Pons, Ediciones Jurídicas y Sociales, S.A.

Published: 2015

Collection: Tribuna Internacional

No. of pages: 206

Language: Spanish


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