Crises offer an opportunity to learn from mistakes. This volume aims to identify the lessons that should be drawn from certain key events, the path that led to them, and the management of both the challenges they posed and the legacies they have left.
Crises offer an opportunity to learn from mistakes. This volume aims to identify the lessons that should be drawn from key events, the path that led to them, and the management of both the challenges they posed and the legacies they have left, from public deficits to shifts in the global distribution of economic and political power. In short, it seeks to determine whether we are ignoring these lessons or have the humility and wisdom to learn from our mistakes.
Author: Tugores Ques, Juan
Editorial: Marcial Pons, Ediciones Jurídicas y Sociales, S.A.
Published: 2010
Collection: Tribuna Internacional
No. of pages: 120
Language: Spanish