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XVII Edition of the Course on Current Issues in Spanish Foreign Policy

18 Apr 2018

One more year, we had the pleasure of celebrating the Course on Current Issues in Spanish Foreign Policy in collaboration with the Diplomatic School of MAEC.


This has been the XVII Edition of the course, and has had a huge variety of topics, which have dealt with the future challenges of areas such as Africa or India, as well as crosscutting themes such as the Sustainable Development agenda or the concept of security and terrorism in today’s society.


We had the pleasure of having a group of diplomats from the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, specialized in each of the areas or areas that were exposed day by day:



In addition to the vision on the ground, contributed by the diplomats, each roundtable counted with the participation of an academic expert in the theme of each session:



Do not miss the images of each of the sessions of the Course on Current Issues in Spanish Foreign Policy!


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