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Exposition of Master’s Thesis: V Students Forum

30 May 2018

Once the academic part of the Master’s Degree in Diplomacy and International Public Service has been completed, the traditional Students Forum is celebrated, an event in which the best Master’s Final Projects are presented before a court.


The Court has been formed: the Hon. Mr. Fernando Perpiñá-Robert, Director of the Master in Diplomacy, Dr. Helena Torroja, Academic Director of CEI, and Dr. David Bondia, Executive Director of the Master.


This year, the selected students have been 9, and with thesis on the most varied in the scope of the international scale:


“Mandatory transparency record: solution for bad lobbying practices in Brussels?”, By Jennifer Blanco.


Jennifer Blanco - Students Forum


“The Permanent Structured Cooperation – In Defense of Europe” by Carlos Cañellas.


Carlos Cañellas - Students Forum


“The recognition of unpaid domestic work: Comparative Cross actor discourse and policy analysis of the global governance project on the Gender Equality Sustainable Development Goal” by Laura Copete.


Laura Copete - Students Forum


“The regulation of civil aviation in the European Union within the framework of new relations with the State of Israel”, by Lluís Girbau.


Lluís Girbau - Students Forum


“The fiscal pillar of Europe – Analysis of the alternatives for the completion of the economic and monetary union”, by Begoña Morales.


Begoña Morales - Students Forum


“Analysis of the myth of the Afghan” blowback “. To what extent is it true that we trained the jihadists from their cradle?” By Razvan-Sebastian Pantea.


Razvan-Sebastian Pantea - Students Forum


“Statehood and Recognition: the Case of Palestine”, by Michele Pitta.


Michele Pitta


“The radicalization of young people by the Islamic State and the phenomenon of the returnees”, by Guillem Roda.


Guillem Roda - Students Forum


“Comparative analysis of the role of women in the Zapatista revolution and in Rojava”, by Elisabet Torà.


Elisabet Torà - Students Forum


We remind you that you can access the best Thesis of the Master’s students in all editions through the section Research papers. Soon all of this year’s Master’s Thesis will be published!

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