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WIN A TRIP: We celebrate our 3.000 followers on Facebook!

10 Dec 2018

With the aim to celebrate the 3.000 followers achieved on our Facebook profile, we want to repeat the last year experience and to offer you again a new unique opportunity to visit the European Union’s Institutions.



We are very grateful for the follow up on our Social Networks, and for this reason we will raffle a two days trip to Brussels to visit the European Neighborhood with the students of the Course on the European Union.


The prize:


Win a trip to Brussels





To participate you must follow the following steps:





If you want to have more chances to win, follow us on our Twitter profile too @CEIbcn.


The trip will be raffled among all those who follow the steps properly! You may participate in the draw until January 9, 2019, and its resolution will be announced on January 10.


If the world of the European Union attracts you, do not hesitate to know more about the XLI Edition of the Course on the European Union, the registrations will remain open until January 31.


*The trip to Brussels remains subject to the completion of the Course on the European Union. The CEI International Affairs reserves the right to cancel the course if the minimum number of expected students is not reached.

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