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End of Course 2018-2019: Master’s Degree in Diplomacy and International Public Service

16 May 2019

One more year! We reached the final stage of the Master’s in Diplomacy and International Public Service.

This week, the students have

One more year! We reached the final stage of the Master’s in Diplomacy and International Public Service.


This week, the students have lived the best farewell with three activities: the VI Student Forum, the traditional tree planting, and the closing of the course.



Student Forum:


In the VI Student Forum, the 10 best Final Master’s Degrees were presented before a Tribunal made up of the Director of the Master, Dr. Helena Torroja; Honorary Director of the Master, Hon. Mr. Fernando Perpiñá-Robert; and the Executive Director of the Master, Dr. Miguel Ángel Elizalde.


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The works dealt with: Cities at War, Trump’s Tariff War, Terrorism, Renewable Energy and Education among others.



Ginkgo Biloba plantation:


After the Student Forum, one of the highlights of each Master’s promotion took place: Planting the tree to leave its roots in the CEI forever. This year, the students decided to plant a Ginkgo Biloba, a tree with a beautiful meaning.


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It is an endangered species that survived the ice age and the bombing of Hiroshima. Currently, the only place where it grows in nature is in the Tian Mu Shan Reserve in eastern China.



Closing of the Master:


Finally, it was time to say goodbye, and that is why we celebrated the closing ceremony of the Master’s Degree in Diplomacy and International Public Service. The students have already finished the academic part of the course, and they must start their internships.


The closing ceremony was chaired by the Director of the CEI, Mr. Antoni Millet; the Honorary Director of the CEI, the Hon. Mr. Fernando Perpiñá-Robert; and the Executive Director of the Master, Dr. Miguel Ángel Elizalde.


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The closing conference was led by Mr. Pedro Roffe, an international consultant with more than 30 years of experience at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).


Mr. Roffe gave us a reflection on the accelerated technological change and its impact on the international relations of the XXI Century.


Finally, the most special moment arrived: The delivery of diplomas, by the hand of the Director of the Master, Dr. Helena Torroja.


At the end of the event there was a pica pica and a glass of cava.



We wish you all the best of luck in your internships and in your professional future! The CEI will always be your home.

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