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Carlos Valero has passed the Diplomatic Corps opposition!

21 Mar 2018

We are celebrating that the lists of candidates in the first 4 tests of the Diplomatic Career opposition have already been made public, and our student, Carlos Valero Carrasco, is one of the elected candidates.Congratulations!

We are celebrating that the lists of candidates in the first 4 tests of the Diplomatic Career opposition have already been made public, and our student, Carlos Valero, is among them. Congratulations!


Carlos enrolled in the Preparation to Join the Diplomatic Corps in the 2014-2015 academic year. After 4 years of preparation and having submitted to 3 calls he has achieved his goal, now he is already considered an intern in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.


Carlos Valero began his preparation in September 2014 in the Preparation to Join the Diplomatic Corps. His extensive knowledge of languages, among which are Spanish, Catalan, English, German and French, as well as his solid training in Law have helped him achieve his goal that is getting closer, being a Diplomat.


The oppositions to Join the Diplomatic Corps work as established in the BOE, for this year, the call was 26 places. These 26 seats are those that are disputed in a first phase, which consists of 4 tests, which are what led Carlos Valero to overcome this part of the opposition.

Now, the next phase consists of a selective course of an eminently practical nature that will be elementary in the Diplomatic School of the MAEC.


In the coming weeks, Valero will move to Madrid to complete this course, which will last no longer than one year. This course will develop a curriculum including the disciplines and teachings necessary for the performance of the tasks of the Diplomatic Career, as well as a module on equality between men and women, and another on gender violence.



Our most sincere congratulations to Carlos Valero for his great work!


If you also want to get started in the world of Diplomacy, do not hesitate to consult the information on the Preparation to Join the Diplomatic Corps.

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