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Master in Diplomacy Entrance Examination! Do you already know how to prepare it?

1 Jun 2019

What does the Entrance Examination consist on?



• Written part: This part consists of 5 questions in Spanish and 5 questions in English on issues related to International Public Law and International Organizations.


In the area of ​​International Public Law we are going to refer to generic concepts. Examples of possible questions:


 – Who can be a subject of Public International Law?


– What are the requirements for a territory to be considered a State?


– What types of international standards exist?


– What is the international custom?


In the area of ​​International Organizations, you should focus on the United Nations and the European Union, with emphasis on the main organizations such as the European Parliament, the European Council, the European Commission or the Council of the European Union. Examples of possible questions:


 – Differences between organisms, differences in the decision-making process…



• Interview in English: Candidates meet with the Ambassador Fernando Perpiñá-Robert, honorary coordinator of the Master. This short interview has the purpose of evaluating the level of English, to ensure that it is enough to follow the bilingual master without difficulties.



Bibliography to prepare the Entrance Examination:


 • Compendium of Public International Law, Oriol Casanovas and Ángel J. Rodrigo, Editorial Tecnos.


International Law, Antonio Remiro Brotons, Editorial Tirant lo Blanch.



We recommend focusing on the basic and generic concepts of the manuals. Pay special attention to the topics or chapters on:


a. International Subjectivity


b. International Law and its regulation


c. United Nations and its operation


d. Main international organizations


e. International Law of Human Rights


f. European Union



We make special mention of the fact that not only the usual degrees like Law, Political Science or International Relations can be presented to this test. It is demonstrated that the International Organizations need profiles with different formations.



Time and place for the test:


Time: Morning schedule (will be specified to those registered 1 week before the test)


Location: Headquarters of the CEI.


There is the possibility to perform the access test via Skype.



What do I need to do the Entrance Examination?



The following documentation must be sent to












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